Technology of Obtaining Long-Length Powder Permeable Materials with Uniform Density Distributions

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1 Zabolotnyi O.V., Povstyanoy O., Somov D., Sychuk V., Svirzhevskyi K.
Technology of Obtaining Long-Length Powder Permeable Materials with Uniform Density Distributions
EAI/Springer Innovations in Communication and Computing / World Congress on Engineering and Technology; Innovation and its Sustainability / WCETIS 2018 Zabolotnyi O., Povstyanoy O., Somov D., Sychuk V., Svirzhevskyi K. (2019) Technology of Obtaining Long-Length Powder Permeable Materials with Uniform Density Distributions. In: Beltran Jr. A., Lontoc Z., Conde B., Serfa Juan R., Dizon J. (eds) World…

2020 Технологічний факультет

Кафедра прикладної механіки (ТФ)

Springer, Cham 2019