Metallographic Analysis and Microstructural Image Processing of Nozzles for Sandblasting Produced by Powder Metallurgy Methods

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1 Povstyanoy O., Sychuk V., McMillan A., Rud V., Zabolotnyi O.V.
Metallographic Analysis and Microstructural Image Processing of Nozzles for Sandblasting Produced by Powder Metallurgy Methods
Powder Metallurgy and Metal Ceramics Povstyanoi O.Y., Sychuk V.A., McMillan A., Rud V.D., Zabolotnyi O.V. Metallographic Analysis and Microstructural Image Processing of Nozzles for Sandblasting Produced by Powder Metallurgy Methods. Powder Metallurgy and Metal Ceramics, Vol. 54, issue…

2020 Технологічний факультет

Кафедра прикладної механіки (ТФ)

Springer Nature Switzerland AG 2015