Malaniuk N.

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1 Rozina I. , Malaniuk N., Kalyniuk A. , Potapiuk L., Tsumarieva N.
Tolerance to uncertainty as a factor in the development of higher education students’ professional identity
Sapienza: International Journal of Interdisciplinary Studies Rozina I., Malaniuk N., Kalyniuk A., Potapiuk L, Tsumarieva N. Tolerance to uncertainty as a factor in the development of higher education students professional identity. Sapienza : International Journal of Interdisciplinary Studies. 2024. V. 5, N.…

2021 Факультет цифрових, освітніх та соціальних технологій

2021 Кафедра соціогуманітарних технологій

São Paulo, Brazil : Sapienza Grupo Editorial 2024 Tolerance+to+uncertainty+as+a+factor+in+the+development+of+higher+education+students’+professional+identity.pdf328.31 КБ